The Big Easy Sisters
of Perpetual Indulgence
Parish of the Muddy Waters
Random Shots
Sometimes someone takes a shot, apropos of nothing, that just needs to be shared. Here are a few such shots, in no particular order. We hope you enjoy them as much as we do.

The Misters of Perpetual Indulgence, Guard Buddha Bear, Postulant Guard Alotto Bukkake, Postulant Guard Penn Atration, Guard Chasin Azz

Sister Imma Gittaround shows us how to use a urinal while wearing a dress
The Big Easy Sisters receive an award for Community Service from Squirrel News. With the Editor, Sister Glory Bea, Sister Yoko Ono She' Dinnit, Guard Philip McCann, and Guard Buddha Bear

Southernmost Puppy Contest 2019: Sr Glory Bea and Sr Prim N Proper were the MCs, and Sr Onya Neeze and Sr Dee Zire were judges. Here they are with pups and people after the contest

During the Southernmost Puppy Constest, Sr Glory Bea and Sr Onya Neeze pose with the pups and handlers

Sister Glory Bea, Guard Buddha Bear , Sister Faegala Tina Pfischzoot, Sister Eileen Eulick
Sister Glory Bea and Sister Eileen Eulick love the Bears

Novice Sister Stella Ar'Twat, Sister Diarhee en Frank, Sster Glory Bea, Guard Chasin Azz, and visiting Sister Betty Bottoms of Texas

There are currently nine Guards serving the Big Easy Sisters, but two of them are not resident in the state of Louisiana. When this picture was taken, there were eight Guards, and these were the six resident in New Orleans. Guard Chasin Azz, Postulant Guard Penn Atration, Postulant Guard Alotto Bukkake, Novice Guard Licka Lottapuss, Guard Rusty Hymen, and Guard Buddha Bear.

Guard Buddha Bear and Sister Glory Bea at the 2019 annual GAA Awards.
Sister Glory Bea and Novice Guard Wolfie, Protecter of the Pack, of the Derby City Sisters, Red Dress Run, NOLA, August, 2018

Guard Chasin Azz in mufti with Sister Glory Bea. Guard Buddha Bear in the back looks grim.

Guard Buddha Bear with Sister Eileen Eulick

Sister Diarrhee en Franck, Sister Dee Zire, and Sister Imma Gittaround

Sister Tara Kokoff of the Derby City Sisters and Sister Glory Bea

Sister Imma Gittaroud presents a black veil to Sister Dee Zire at the conclusion of her very successful Novice Project.

Sister Imma Gittaround and Novice Sister Joy Isma Safewerd show Sister Realness
Novice Sister Joy Isma Safewerd auditons for Cats

Novice Guard Alotto Bukkake in his first manifestation as a novice.
Sister Imma Gittaround getting ready for Sister Bingo

Sister Glory Bea assumes the Position. She seems to do this a lot

Postulant Sister Tammy Ponds has a way with black and white

Guard Licka Lottapuss is always happy to serve

Sister Glory Bea is such a coquette!

Sister Mary Pat McCooter explains it all to you