The Big Easy Sisters
of Perpetual Indulgence
Parish of the Muddy Waters
Guard Penn Atration
Guard Penn Atration's name comes from his favorite activity, what he loves doing, what makes him who he is: penetrating. He joined theSisters of Perpetual Indulgence as a way to give back to his community, to serve and to get to know it better. His novice project was to build a new moveable altar for our All Souls' Day processions. He elevated in December, 2020. His turn-ons include big butts and awesome and warm personalities. His turn-offs are, well, he couldn't think of any. Guard Penn Atration's hobbies include leather and building things with his hands. He enjoys a good hands-on project. The animal he identifies with is the bear.
Inspirational quote:
"If you can't say it in front of your Mom, then don't say it. Think before you open your mouth!"
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