The Big Easy Sisters
of Perpetual Indulgence
Parish of the Muddy Waters
Mary Pat McCooter
Sister Mary Pat loves her name, since it always gets a good laugh and her Cooter patted. She was called to the Order in 2013, and her novice project was to pay the fees to file the paperwork for the Big Easy Sisters to become a 501C(3) Charity. Her turn-ons include confident but not arrogant people with a sense of humor, as well as hands, arms, the chest, and of course, legs. A nice smile is sure to get her attention. Her turn-offs include messy bottoms. The animal Sr Mary Pat identifies with is the turtle, because it teaches us about walking our path in peace and sticking to it with determination and serenity. Her hobbies include creating hand-made eyelashes, which are quite fabulous.
Inspirational Quote: “If you want to achieve greatness, stop asking for permission.”
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Flickr - marypatt |