The Big Easy Sisters
of Perpetual Indulgence
Parish of the Muddy Waters
Sister Uneeda Shrimper
Sister Uneeda Shrimper originally wanted her name to have some connexion to the founding members of the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence and wanted to include names that represent joy to her, so she hose Golden Evangelista Moyet. She has changed that, to more accurately reflect her as a Sister and a member of the larger Gay community. Sister Uneeda Shrimper joined because she had just moved back home to New Orleans and wanted to met new people, and do something for her community. Her novice project was to write a comprehensive Sistory of the Big Easy Sisters, so that our Lore would not be lost.. She elevated in December of 2020.
Sister Uneeda's turn-ons are hairy chests, intelligence, humour, and socked feet. Her turn-offs are mean people, dishonesty, betrayal, racism, and abuse of any kind. Her hobbies are making art, writing, reading, fashion, and music. The animal which she feels best represents her would be the combination of a cat and a dragon.
Inspirational Quotes:
"What other people think of me is none of my business." --Eleanor Roosevelt
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